Best Asthma Specialist in Jaipur
MediHub clinic is renowned for Best Asthma specialist in Jaipur, and offer advanced Asthma treatment by the specialist doctor with Asthma test at MediHub hospital in raja park. We offer the best consultation and treatment options to our patients. Dr. Mohit Poddar is Asthma and Clinical Immunology specialist in Jaipur. He has 14 years extensive experience in Health & Medical Science and doing Asthma tests and asthma management since last nine years. He is awarded Fellowship in Allergy, Asthma treatment and Clinical Immunology.
Asthma Care
During an asthma attack, the airways become inflamed and swollen and this causes difficulty in breathing. An asthma attack is characterized by symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, severe shortness of breath, etc. The attack can be minor where the symptoms ease out with home care or it can be really serious. We offer a prompt treatment to ease asthma symptoms. Medication to provide instant control of the situation is administered. In some cases, the patient might need an oxygen mask to breathe. In such cases, the attack necessitates the patient to be put in the intensive care unit ICU of the hospital. The key to inhibiting an asthma attack is recognizing as well as treating the flare-up early. Asthma attacks should be treated seriously as it can lead to respiratory arrest or even death in severe circumstances. At MediHub Multispeciality Clinic we try to provide the best treatment for Asthma by early diagnosis and management. Also, we provide complete solution to control and manage Asthma triggers so that the patient is relieved of Asthma completely.
What is Asthma ?
Asthma is a medical condition that causes breathing difficulties. These difficulties result from your airways narrowing and swelling. It leads to the production of mucus in airways. Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lung airways that cause coughing, chest tightness, wheezing or shortness of breath.
Asthma Statistics– World Wide
- • 334 million people have Asthma worldwide.
- • Mean prevalence of Asthma among children was 7.24% and has continued to increase in last 10 years.
- • Currently, there are about 6.2 million children under the age of 18 with Asthma.
- • India has 10% of world’s Asthma patients.
What are the main Causes of Asthma ?
- • Genetic factors
- • Immune and respiratory factors
- • Age
- • Infectious allergen pollutants
- • Environmental factors
Which environmental factors are mainly responsible for developing Asthma ?
- • Pollution
- • Smoking
- • Dust
- • Pollens
- • Household chemicals
- • Pet Dander
Types of Asthma :-
• On the basis of frequency and severity
- Mild intermittent asthma
- Mild persistent asthma
- Moderate persistent asthma
- Severe persistent asthma
• On the basis of Different Factors
- Allergic asthma
- Seasonal asthma
- Occupational asthma
- Non-allergic asthma
- Exercise induced asthma
- Difficult asthma
- Severe asthma
- Brittle asthma
- Adult onset asthma
- Childhood asthma
“About 80% of people with Allergic Asthma have a related condition like hay fever, eczema or food allergies.”
The factors that increase risk of developing any type of Asthma include :-
- • Having a family history of asthma
- • Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
- • Having allergies
- • Exposure to pollution or fumes
- • Exposure to occupational chemicals
- • Being overweight
Common symptoms of asthma :-
- • Wheezing or whistling when breathing/ labored breathing
- • Frequent Coughing
- • Swollen airways
- • Development of mucus in the airways
- • Chest tightness or pain
- • Feeling tired
- • Sleep problems
- • Allergies
Management of Asthma :-
How to Diagnose and Treat ?
Patient’s Medical history and Identification of causative agent -
Guidelines recommend that factors that trigger or exacerbate asthma must be elicited routinely and documented in the medical records and action plans of all patients with asthma. But History alone is often not enough to accurately identify all of the patient’s allergic triggers. For example, a patient can present with a history suggestive of house dust mite or cat allergy but actually may not be sensitized. Likewise, a patient can present with a few non-specific symptoms, but the can may be the primary trigger.
Diagnosis -
1. lung function test -
The two most common lung function tests used to diagnose asthma are :- • Spirometry - This is a simple breathing test that measures how much and how fast you can blow air out of your lungs. It is often used to determine the amount of airway obstruction
- • Fractional Exhaled nitric oxide - FeNO is a quantitative, noninvasive, simple, and safe method of measuring airway inflammation in asthma patients. Specifically, FeNO is an objective measurement of allergic/eosinophilic inflammation.
2. Allergen Sensitization test -
there are two methods of diagnosis by allergen sensitization --
• In Vivo- Skin Prick or scratch test
This test checks for immediate allergic reactions to many different substances at once such as pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites and foods In this test, a tiny drop of a possible allergen is pricked or scratched into the skin. Also known as a percutaneous test, this is the most common type of skin test. The results are known within 10 to 20 minutes.
• In Vitro- Blood Test by ImmunoCAP (Immuno Assay)
Blood test measures amount of IgE in blood serum. The most effective and efficient method is specific IgE antibody measure by ImmunoCAP. A confirmatory specific IgE blood test result give accurate result and help to select the most efficacious allergy management strategy.
• In Vivo- Skin Prick or scratch test
Asthma Treatment :-
• Therapeutic trial (Medication)-
Preventive, long-term control medications reduce the inflammation in your airways that leads to symptoms. Quick-relief inhalers (bronchodilators) quickly open swollen airways that are limiting breathing. In some cases, allergy medications are necessary.
• CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy -
A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy is commonly used to treat sleep apnea. CPAP machine delivers air pressure through a mask while sleep and keep upper airway passages open, preventing apnea and snoring.
• BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway machine) -
Similar to a CPAP machine, A BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway machine) is a non-invasive form of therapy for patients suffering from sleep apnea. BiPAP may also be used for patients who require some breathing assistance.
BiPAP machines have two pressure settings :
- pressure for inhalation (IPAP)
- lower pressure for exhalation (EPAP)
• Thermo Ablation -
Thermo Ablation is an endoscopic therapy used in the treatment of severe Asthma in which radiofrequency waves are applied to reduce airway smooth muscle mass.
• Immunotherapy (Allergy Shots) -
A better solution in managing allergy symptoms is to generate tolerance in body for allergens that cause the symptoms. This is achieved by first identifying the allergens that trigger allergy symptoms in the body. Once these sensitive allergens are known, they are introduced in small amount into the body. This process is called Immunotherapy. this process induces tolerance in the body by producing blocking antibodies in the place of reactive antibodies.
• Therapeutic trial (Medication)-
• Subcutaneous Immunotherapy / Allergy shots (SCIT) :
A treatment program, which can take three to five years, consists of injection of a diluted allergy extract, administered frequently in increasing doses until a maintenance dose is reached. Immunotherapy helps the body build resistance to the effects of the allergen, reduces the intensity of symptoms caused by allergen exposure.
• Sublingual Immunotherapy/ Oral tablets (SLIT) :
This type of immunotherapy was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2014. Starting several months before allergy season begins, patients dissolve a tablet under the tongue daily. Treatment can continue for as long as three years.
Two types of Immunotherapy are available :-
Immunotherapy reduces asthma symptoms and use of asthma medications and improves bronchial hyper-reactivity.