Best Allergy Doctor in Jaipur

Best Allergy Specialist in Jaipur
MediHub Clinic is the best Allergy Specialist hospital in Jaipur. Dr. Mohit Poddar is best allergy specialist in Jaipur. At MediHub we offer advanced Allergy Test & Allergy Treatment to patients at reasonable rates by an allergy doctor. He has 14 years of extensive experience in Health & Medical Science and doing allergy tests and allergy treatment for the last nine years. An allergy specialist will work with you to determine which medicines are best for you and how often and how much of them you should take for complete treatment of allergy.
Allergy Care :
We offer you the best allergy diagnosis and care. Our team of best allergy doctor in Jaipur takes pride in several years of clinical experience. Allergies happen when our immune system reacts to the presence of a foreign substance in the body such as bee venom, pollen, pet dander etc by building antibodies. The severity of the allergic reaction varies from person to person. Some patients just face minor irritation while some can have anaphylaxis which is a life-threatening emergency. There are different kinds of allergy such as food allergy, insect sting allergy, drug allergy etc. An allergy can manifest itself in the form of several symptoms such as itching of eyes, nose or roof of the mouth, sneezing, watery or swollen eyes, hives, facial swelling, etc. Our doctors will offer you treatment which can help alleviate the symptoms of allergy with the latest treatment strategies like Immunotherapy, Thermo ablation, FeNO, CPAP, BiPAP etc. We at MediHub provide ultimate solutions for allergy by curing it to the root by the best allergy specialist in Raja park.
Allergies are caused by abnormal response of Immune system. The Immune system reacts to a usually harmless substance in the environment such as pollen, dust, pet dander, certain food etc. These harmless substances that cause allergy are known as Allergen. Allergens produce reactive antibodies (IgE) and allergy symptoms in the body. Persistent allergy symptoms of long duration often remodel the affected organ, especially lungs.
- • Pet allergy
- • Dust mite allergy
- • Pollen allergy
- • Mold allergy
- • Food allergy
- • Chemical allergy
Allergy is considered as a chronic disease worldwide. Its effects are widespread with millions of people (Jose 2010). In India, occurrence and severity of allergic diseases have seen on a rise (Prasad 2013). Currently, more than 25% of the total population of India is sensitized with different forms of allergens. Global Burden of Disease project suggested that around 334 million people are Asthma Sufferers. According to The World Allergy Organization (WAO) The Pollen Allergy Prevalence of the whole population in INDIA ranges between 10 %-40%. In the case of the United States, statistics reflect that 8.96% of people are suffering from food allergy. In India, food allergies have been found to cause approximately 30,000 emergency cases, 100 to 200 deaths per year and up to 3million cases have been reported from peanut allergy alone. Around the world 90% of population suffers from food allergy and 10% from environmental allergy. Around 1 in every 50 people in the US is allergic to peanut.
- • Allergies are the result of an inappropriate immune response to a normally harmless substance.
- • The allergy itself requires desensitization.
- • Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that can be life threatening.
- • Some of the most common allergens are dust, pollen, and nuts. They can cause sneezing, peeling skin, and vomiting.
- • Anaphylaxis requires emergency treatment. Epinephrine injectors can help reduce the severity of an anaphylactic reaction.
There are several ways or routes from which an allergen enters into the body such as-
- Skin contact - if an allergenic person gets in contact with the allergen such as any plant, pet dander, latex, house hold chemicals etc. the allergic reaction begins.
- Inhalation - If a person allergic to dust, pollens, pet dander etc. inhale these particles, the Immune system of body start reacting against these allergens.
- Injection - when a poisonous insect bites a person or a person inject any medicine (whom allergic to), immediate reactions begins that might be severe.
- Ingestion - Milk, Peanut, Egg, Shellfish, certain medicines etc. cause severe allergies. If a person is allergic to any of medicine or food item and consume any of them, that person may face allergic symptom.
Common allergic manifestations include :
- o Hay fever
- o Food allergies
- o Atopic dermatitis
- o Allergic asthma
- o Anaphylaxis
People who have allergies faces so many symptoms but some symptoms are common such as :-
- Red eyes
- Itchy rash
- Runny nose
- Shortness of breath
- Swelling
- Edema
- Cough
If a person has food allergy, it may face symptoms like :-
- Stomach pain
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Stomach cramps
- Dizziness
- Weak pulse
- Loss of consciousness
- Anxiety
Anaphylaxis: A life-threatening allergic reaction
Anaphylaxis signs and symptoms can include :
- • Constriction of airways Swelling of the throat that makes it difficult to breathe
- • A severe drop in blood pressure (shock)
- • Rapid pulse Dizziness
- • light headedness or loss of consciousness
1. Patient’s Medical history -
Patient’s medical history helps to determine or identify the cause of allergy. But history alone is often not enough to accurately identify all of the patient’s allergic triggers. For example, a patient can present with a history suggestive of house dust mite or cat allergy but actually may not be sensitized. Likewise, a patient can present with a few non-specific symptoms, but the can may be the primary trigger.
2. Diagnostic Tests: Multitude of Tests -
- a) In vivo test -
- • Skin prick test or patch test
- • Intradermal test
- b) In vitro test -
- • Blood test for total IgE
- • Blood test for specific IgE
- • Component resolve diagnostics (CRD)
- Skin Prick or scratch test -
- • This test checks for immediate allergic reactions to many different substances at once such as pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites and foods
- • In this test, a tiny drop of a possible allergen is pricked or scratched into the skin. Also known as a percutaneous test, this is the most common type of skin test. The results are known within 10 to 20 minutes.
- Intradermal test -
- • A small amount of a possible allergen is injected under the skin using a thin needle. The site is checked for a reaction after about 20 minutes.
- • Blood test measures amount of IgE in blood serum. The most effective and efficient method is specific IgE antibody measure by ImmunoCAP. A confirmatory specific IgE blood test result give accurate result and help to select the most efficacious allergy management strategy.
- c) Nasal Rhinometry -
- Nasal Rhinometers allow a very rapid noninvasive examination of the nasal cavity using a sound pulse technique. Nasal obstruction is typically diagnosed by Rhinomanometry that have been attempted to assess nasal airway patency.
- d) Sleep study -
- A sleep study is a non-invasive, overnight examination that allows doctors to study brain and body of the person while sleeping.
- e) Spirometry -
- Spirometry is a common test used to assess working of the lungs by measuring how much air you inhale, exhale and how quickly you exhale Spirometry is used to diagnose asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other conditions that affect breathing.
- • Medication -Allergies are usually managed by controlling allergy symptoms using drugs. But this approach is only a temporary fix, because once a drug is stopped the symptoms reoccur. Anaphylaxis, a medical emergency that requires treatment with Epinephrine (Adrenaline) injector (EpiPen, Auvi-Q).
- • Immunotherapy - - A better solution in managing allergy symptoms is to generate tolerance in body for allergens that cause the symptoms. This is achieved by first identifying the allergens that trigger allergy symptoms in the body. Once these sensitive allergens are known, they are introduced in small amount into the body. This process is called Immunotherapy. this process induces tolerance in the body by producing blocking antibodies in the place of reactive antibodies.
- • Subcutaneous Immunotherapy / Allergy shots (SCIT) : A treatment program, which can take three to five years, consists of injection of a diluted allergy extract, administered frequently in increasing doses until a maintenance dose is reached. Immunotherapy helps the body build resistance to the effects of the allergen, reduces the intensity of symptoms caused by allergen exposure.
- • Sublingual Immunotherapy/ Oral tablets (SLIT) : This type of immunotherapy was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2014. Starting several months before allergy season begins, patients dissolve a tablet under the tongue daily. Treatment can continue for as long as three years.
Two types of Immunotherapy are available :
- Our mission is to extend our patients the best evaluation of their ailments, followed by the most appropriate treatment.
- Our approach is to educating the patients about various aspects of their disease so that they may handle their disease more effectively, resulting in early recovery.
- We believe in provide a high-quality service to our patients all the times.
Allergy Treatment
At MediHub Multispeciality Clinic, we aimed to providing expert patient care. We are equipped with advanced technology and the latest health care facilities. Our well-trained medical team, technicians and non-medical staff are offering superb services, best consultation and treatment options to our patients.
Allergy test
Skin prick testing
Allergy testing through blood
Allergy treatment